Support Story

Moses  is a one  year eight months old boy who fell ill with cerebral malaria at birth.  He was born through a caesarean  section and his mother heard the baby cry so much.He was immediately started on malaria treatment and was finally discharged after seven days in great condition.  

Malaria affected his brain and central nervous system, resulting cerebral palsy and epilepsy.

Moses cannot speak,has a flaccid neck and limbs,cannot sit,stand or crawl.He only communicates  by crying and making different noises.  His level of understanding is limited.  His mother has learned to understand his communication as well as his needs.  

Moses is yet to begin eating solid foods and has vigorous fits when not medicated.

Moses mother is a grocer while his father is a primary school teacher in the village in which they live.

Caritas Homabay offered physiotherapy services that have helped in slowly straightening and strengthening Moses’ hands and legs.
Together with the parents,Moses was enrolled into the Cerebral palsy and epileptic clinics that he attends regularly.